Your success is within your grasp

Participants in Live Positive! and Chaya Hinda’s other classes have seen tremendous yeshuos in many difficult areas.
Here are some amazing success stories in the participants’ own words. Click on the title to go straight to a specific story, or scroll down to enjoy them all!
Note: The stories below are true. The names of the participants are withheld to protect their privacy. Each participant gave me permission to share these stories in order to help other women reach their own yeshuos.

You healed my relationship with my mother

Dear Chaya Hinda,

I just want to take the time to express my deep appreciation to you. You probably don’t know me. I don’t know you, either.

My mom has been taking your workshops. All I can say is, she’s turned into a different person!

Here’s my story:

I had a challenging childhood. When I was growing up, my mom had some difficult challenges. I learned to fend for myself from the time I was very young. My mom just wasn’t there for me emotionally.

That caused some friction in our relationship when I got older.

I went for therapy, but it was challenging. I tried to see things from her perspective, to understand her, but time went on, and there was still all that tension in our relationship. It was hard for me to live at home.

I moved out of the house for few years

And hoped things would get better.

I was still going for therapy, working on myself and on my relationship with my mom, After a while, I began coming home for weekends.

Deep down, I craved that relationship with her.

Slowly, I started seeing change in my mother – real change

I couldn’t figure that out. Here, I was the one going for therapy. I thought all the tension between us was entirely my fault.

Don’t get me wrong; my mom’s a supermom.

She’s does a lot for people in the community, and she’s amazing. I had my issues with her, but I always thought it was all about me, that this was my problem, my fault.

Then my mother told me about your workshops and lectures.

To tell you the truth, I wasn’t all that interested in hearing about it!

But as time went on, I noticed that my mom was really changing. She started accepting me for who I am, although I’m really different than her in so many ways.

My mom started showing love; she started really being there for me. I don’t really know how to explain it, but it was a true change.

It’s been about three years now. I don’t know how this worked, but I can say that Hashem really helps

I think your workshops changed our entire home

My mom is here. She’s aware. She’s just a different human being. She’s so relaxed.

She’s just amazing.

I still have some moments when I get frustrated at her. But now my mom would never yell. She listens, she’s patient. I’m just amazed!

And I thank Hashem for that. But I also want to thank you for being the wonderful messenger!

I really feel my relationship with my mom has changed, and that it’s because of your work with her.

May you continue to inspire others and bring happiness to many more homes.

You gave my grandmother back to me

Chaya Hinda,

I really owe you a great amount of hakaras hatov and appreciation, for you have changed my life and given me strength to do things I never thought I could.

Here's my big one:

My grandmother was a very loving person in my life and I had great times with her. She was always so positive, and the amount of love she showered onto me was enormous.

Then my family situation went haywire.

I still enjoyed visiting my grandmother, even though unfortunately, some people around her, who were (in my opinion!) selfish and immature, filled her in on the gory details of my family’s machlokes.

Of course, she got only one side of the story as I never would burden her with any of this rubbish. (Neither would anyone responsible!)

Then the fight turned really ugly

And not long after that, my grandparents moved into my aunt’s home. I still visited my grandparents there, but the visits were more fraught now.

Then my grandparents moved again, this time to the home of an aunt who was so horribly involved that I felt I just couldn’t possibly visit there.

When my grandmother was hospitalized, I visited her in the hospital and then a few times in rehab. Finally, she was well enough to move on, and she went to live at the home of another aunt who acted very threatening to me.

I did not visit there, but I sent my sons to sing to my grandmother – I knew she loved that.

During this period, I attended your classes

One day, Chaya Hinda, you were answering someone else’s question.

I heard you encouraging the woman on the line to really believe that a friend who had betrayed her has no power over her divorced son’s welfare.

Chaya Hinda, when I heard that, I was able to say, “Null and void!” to any power I had been giving this aunt in the machlokes.

Right away, I felt safer and more at peace

I realized that I really wanted to visit my grandmother and that it made no sense for me to allow this aunt to keep me from doing that.

I put up “protective clouds” in my mind, and kept on telling myself that Hashem is protecting me… and then, I WENT!

I knew it was worth the risk of pain… And it was the nicest visit! (And, get this – my aunt was not home!) I had my young son, my “Chumash yingele,” with me (it was the day of his Chumash seudah) and we took beautiful pictures together.

A week or so later, I visited my grandmother again

This time I took my only daughter, my bas yechidah. Again, my aunt was not home, and we spent a long time schmoozing.

This was the last conversation that I had with my grandmother, for she was niftar very soon after.

Chaya Hinda, I cannot tell you what a gift this was – I’m sure you understand already! I would never have had this healthy closure if not for your Live Positive!

May you always see fruits of your labor and enjoy all Yiddish nachas.

I was in a black hole...

Hi, Chaya Hinda,

When we last spoke I was struggling tremendously with my children and my marriage.

Does Hashem even care?

I tried to believe that things could improve, but it was difficult for me to imagine that Hashem really cares, and that He would help me and change my life around.

I think my biggest challenge was that I did not believe in myself, and that I have the abilities within myself, together with His support, to make this a reality.

I davened that Hashem should support me and guide me in the right direction

Just over a year ago I took part in a program that you were part of, all about improving relationships. I felt that this class was my tefillah being answered.

I have been working on this for nearly a year and so many essential lessons that you teach are coming together for me.

My marriage changed...

Believing, hoping, trusting and having a powerful statement about the relationship, along with my coach’s expertise, have joined to create a deep, loving, forgiving and connective marriage, and I hope that our family will grow…

Baruch Hashem, today my marriage is more connective than I thought was possible!

My children changed...

My children, too, have blossomed and are growing wonderfully, baruch Hashem!

My eldest has grown into a dream girl, an absolute darling. Just thinking where she was – how you guided me and constantly enabled me to envision her achieving (even when I did not really believe).

It makes me realize that she has developed into a precious young lady who I am so proud of!

Thank you! I have no words…

I have strength and hope

This is giving me the strength to trust and hope for my next daughter, who is actually going through a very tough time now.

The difference today is that I truly believe that this too will pass, and iy”H she will grow and blossom into the person she is supposed to become. My darling little boy is growing and just thriving too, b”H.

From a black hole... to alive and growing!

I thank you from the depth of my heart for sharing your amazing and powerful wisdom! You have enabled me to transform my life, and to find my inner peace and connection!

Looking back, at the very beginning I questioned and refuted anything you shared, because I was living in a very deep, dark hole.

Today, I am utilizing your tools. I and am alive, and I hope to keep on growing! Thank you!

I felt empty, and I let it out on others

I used to be very nervous, always thinking negatively, “What will be….”

I would feel stressed and ready to let it out on somebody. Especially somebody close.

I felt empty, that I don’t have what to give to my children.

Thanks to you, I’m a different person now

The Guided Imageries in particular have changed me. They are so powerful!

I go to my room and do the Guided Imagery on forgiveness, and it is amazing. I breathe in, I let it out, and I calm down and do not react with stress.

And I listen to the guided imagery on unconditional love. I fill myself up – and my kids really feel it.

I also love the Guided Imagery on anticipate success.

These are such powerful, life-changing tools! Like I said already, they are just amazing!

Nothing was working out

I was involved in so many things, constantly busy, and nothing was working out.

A single focus

Chaya Hinda suggested that I take one thing and focus only on that one goal. I chose to envision a popular cookbook of mine (which had gone under when that publisher went under) back in print and selling well.

Chaya Hinda encouraged me to just imagine in my mind’s eye seeing it in my hands, all printed and done… and not to worry or focus on how it would ever happen.

And you know what??

The feeling when I saw it was real...

My project was back in print and in my hands — on time!

In that same year, in time for a major book-selling season, IT WAS. The feeling I had when I really did hold that gorgeous book in my hands is indescribable!

I was drowning in pain. For good reason.

About ten years ago, there were many difficulties in my life. Although I was functioning well externally, internally I was drowning in pain. For good reason.

Then Hashem sent me the gift of Chaya Hinda

I began taking her classes and spoke to her privately a lot. I realized that I had never internalized the belief that Hashem loves me and wants to give me good. It was a difficult for me to internalize.

It took hard work, and the world around me changed

Using Chaya Hinda’s guided imageries constantly and her on-target coaching, enabled me to do it. As I turned around, the world around me did too. I began to believe that Hashem loves and He wants to shower me with good.

And He did. Incredibly so!

I can honestly say that from all the tremendous chassadim Hashem has granted me in my life, Chaya Hinda is at the top of my list!

Yocheved Rottenberg (name used with permission)