Based on Torah Sources

All materials in my courses are based on the seforim and methods described by:
Other sources that form the basis of our approach include:

Endorsement for Chaya Hinda’s work

Rebbetzin Malka Twerski Friedman

Rebbetzin of Hornisteipol Beitar

Chaya Hinda Allen has spent over a decade teaching, counseling and inspiring women across the world.

Chaya Hinda’s dedication and commitment to Torah and halachah resonate in her teaching and inspire her students to aspire to healthier, holier lives – and provide practical tools to achieve their goals.

The women of Klal Yisrael owe a debt of gratitude to Chaya Hinda for her selfless giving and tireless devotion in helping women in distress. “Chaya Hinda saved my life,” is a sentence I hear continually from women who have taken her program.

כל המקיים נפש אחת בישראל כאילו קיים עולם מלא – “Whoever saves one Jewish soul, it is as if they have saved the entire world” (Sanhedrin).

Chaya Hinda has saved many souls and many worlds. May Hashem continue to give her the strength and support to continue her precious work and crucial assistance to the women of Klal Yisrael.

Rabbi Zev Leff

Rav of Moshav Matityahu

Dear Friends,

I have read portions of the program overview of Think Positive! by Mrs. Chaya Hinda Allen. The material is rooted in solid Torah sources and appears to be a positive and effective manner to guide on to Simchas HaChaim, to living a meaningful and happy life.

I have seen approbations from reliable sources both of the program and of the stature of Mrs. Allen as a Bas Yisroel with Yiras Shamayim, a woman with wisdom and insight who practices what she teaches.

I commend Mrs. Allen for creating an impressive program and pray that Hashem Yisborach will grant her success in influencing and making a positive effect on the lives of many people.

With Torah blessings,
Rabbi Zev Leff

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