Cut Your Overwhelm. Get Rid of Negativity.

Bring Hope Back Into Your Life

All you need is your phone or audio device and a few minutes…
and you can access your peace and hope within an hour.
Get it with this free class

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Women affected
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Countries worldwide
When you’re in a dark place, you struggle with feelings of worry and unworth.

You have years of built-up fears and dashed hopes. And you feel that no one can possibly understand what you’re going through. Like Hashem has forgotten you completely… or maybe Hashem doesn’t even love you…

So many feelings of "nothing goes right in my life..."

But there is hope… Over 4,000 women have taken my Live Positive! classes worldwide, and have seen incredible change. You can be one of them.
YES! Help me get rid of fear and worry

Are you...

Have you...

Tried so many techniques...

But they didn’t help

Listened to hours of shiurim...

But came away with nothing concrete to make those changes last

Worked to strengthen your emunah

You thought you had a relationship with Hashem; but when the going got tough you felt completely lost and alone…

So did I

Your pain and frustration are real.
And it’s hard to get rid of it on your own.
Which is why I created my Live Positive! methodology and classes.
(Read my story)
To help women just like me.
Just like you.

Just like so many thousands of others.

But what is it?

I'll bet you're thinking --

“Yet another set of classes?? I’ve tried all that so many times and it didn’t help. Always sounds so good when you’re sitting there, but when I go back home and have to face my life, I’m left with nothing that lasts…”
Well, I can assure you that my Live Positive! series is nothing like that.

It's most definitely not:

Passive listening
Cliched quotes, worn out stories
Hyped up coaching, impossible goals

Live Positive! does:

Strengthen the power of your own neshama
Give you actual results
Alleviate your stress and overwhelm

And it works!

The most powerful tool I ever learned - and I see results

“One of the most powerful tools I learned from Chaya Hinda is envisioning the outcome of what I want to hope for (and not worrying about the ‘how’). I use this tool weekly, and it helps me cut through the confusion and anxiety of how I will get it all done. Especially on days when the amount I must finish exceeds the normal boundaries in one day! And I see results.”
Esther Adams
Repetition and integration of positive messages
is one of the best proven methods
to change negative thoughts
I harnessed these techniques to help myself.

And now I will help you do it too.

**Important note**

Through this journey, I’ve met and worked with thousands of women and am privy to thousands of personal stories and struggles. It is my personal statement of confidentiality to every woman that I protect your privacy and respect each person’s need for anonymity — always.
In all my classes I do share true life stories — because these personal stories enhance every point and give tremendous validation, motivation and encouragement to every single woman. Through these stories, the message comes across loud and clear: if she can do it, so can I.
Every story and testimonial – both on this website as well as in all my talks — are 100% true. But unless I have explicit permission from you I will never share your name or personal identifying details. Your story is safe with me; I will never disclose anything or jeopardize a person’s security.

Every story is profoundly personal and I take great care to protect that.

Say goodbye to anxiety, worry and stress…

Feel new hope breathed into you…

Access your inner happiness and success

For the first time in 20 years, I had hope
“I was in intense emotional pain because of my challenging marriage. One of my friends literally dragged me to Chaya Hinda’s course on positive thinking. I was pretty skeptical; yet when I finally did the guided imageries more consistently, I actually saw how it changed my mindset for the better and created some really amazing changes within me! Plus Chaya Hinda’s warmth and concern alleviated the incredible loneliness I was facing. For the first time in 20 years, I had someone to care, I had HOPE.”
My life today looks so much better than ever before!
“I took Chaya Hinda’s Positive Living Series for five whole months. I didn't quite know what to expect but I knew that anything had to be better than what I was dealing with. My life today looks so much brighter; when I do go through hard issues, I feel that I have real tools that help me deal with them in a far healthier, more upbeat way..”
Better than therapy!
"I went to therapy for so many years. It helped me but I needed something more, something to help me ground the work I did. I finally chose to attend CH’s positive thinking classes – what can I say? The course plus the guided imageries added an easy, do-able way for me to really see positive changes in my life; this did even more for me than 10 years of therapy.”

Create a new approach to your life - personalized just for you

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Eliminate fear, worry and guilt
Get peace of mind

You will also get inspiration and chizuk a few times per month –
straight from Chaya Hinda to your inbox